PGD Testing for Apps

PGD Testing for Apps Goodwill Communications provides a full-range of consulting services as well as PSA distribution and evaluation.

With the rising importance of social media, PSAs must be integrated into a broader communications plan to be effective. If you are a government agency, the challenge is no less immense….communicating with a rapidly changing audience about your agency’s mission…keeping your boss happy…validating your achievements.

Does PSA Promotion Really Work?

Does PSA Promotion Really Work?

When we prepare cost estimates for PSA distribution – TV in particular – there is a line item listed as “Promotion,” and then a description of the tactics we use to promote our client campaigns. While it is a fairly modest cost in the total scheme of things, clients typically ask “why do I need […]

Paid vs PSA?

Paid vs PSA?

One of the questions we are asked quite frequently is what are the pros and cons of paid ads versus PSAs and if we use paid ads, how will it affect our PSA program? First, from an effectiveness viewpoint, no media savvy person could argue for PSAs if they had the resources to execute a paid […]

The Value of Human Contact

The Value of Human Contact

Is there anyone who doesn’t believe that our society is getting less personal in terms of human contact? You can go to a restaurant or bar and see everyone staring into their cell phones even when they are supposed to be interacting with their friends. We shoot off dozens of emails and text messa



Too often the people who produce PSAs do not know the basics of this very specialized art form. This article provides 10 tips for PSA producers to think about when they produce their next PSA.

The Value of Human Contact

The Value of Human Contact

Making follow-up calls to the media - especially networks and large print outlets can pay huge dividends if you have the right person making the calls.

Need for Evaluation Standards

Need for Evaluation Standards

We were recently approached by a prospective client who had been using one of the largest organizations in the country which distributes PSAs (public service advertising) campaigns. When they told us the dollar value that the other organization had supposedly generated, I was ast

Need for Evaluation Standards

Need for Evaluation Standards

We were recently approached by a prospective client who had been using one of the largest organizations in the country which distributes PSAs (public service advertising) campaigns. When they told us the dollar value that the other organization had supposedly generated, I was astounded. It was ten times more than the most successful campaign we had ever distributed....



 I recently attended a great program for CEOs of veteran-owned companies called the Veterans Institute for Procurement, funded by the Montgomery County (MD) Chamber of Commerce Foundation.  It was an intense three-day class and before getting started, each of the 30 or so students was asked to tell the rest of the class some brief personal information....



I recently attended a great program for CEOs of veteran-owned companies called the Veterans Institute for Procurement, funded by the Montgomery County (MD) Chamber of Commerce Foundation. It was an intense three-day class and before getting started, each of the 30 or so students

Extending Your Reach Via Fusion Marketing

Extending Your Reach Via Fusion Marketing

It is very rare that a non-profit – whether it is a private sector organization or a government agency – is working on an issue with total exclusivity.  In other words, typically there will be several organizations working on any given issue, but perhaps approaching it from different angles.  Unfotunately too often there is duplication of effort which wastes both time and money.  Often by joining forces, organizations with a similar...

The Case for Advertising Equivalency

The Case for Advertising Equivalency

“Ad value equivalency is conceptually wrong,” PR expert says.
 That is a direct quote by David Rockland, partner and CEO of Ketchum Pleon Change and Global Research, and he went on to say that “If you can’t recognize it as a bad idea, then you probably shouldn’t be in PR.”
 It could be a matter of semantics, because the public service advertising and PR worlds are quite different in the way exposure occurs....

PSA Production – Five Tips For Producing Effective Public Service Announcements

PSA Production – Five Tips For Producing Effective Public Service Announcements

Five Tips on PSA Production
1.              Where do we start with PSA production? 
Before embarking on PSA production for any campaign, it is critical to understand the full context of the message, the audience, the existing ‘brand’, and any collateral materials that will be distributed in conjunction with the public service announcement....

Five Promotional Ideas For Non-Profit Awareness Campaign

Five Promotional Ideas For Non-Profit Awareness Campaign

Non-profit agencies often find themselves working on public awareness advertising and marketing campaigns. While radio PSAs and flyers are good ways of spreading the word, promotional items can really launch a message in a way that it can’t be ignored. Whether your message is a greener Earth or cleaner lungs, here are five ideas for non-profit campaigns using promotional items.
Get peer leaders on board 
One of the most effective methods for getting...

Advertisement Campaigns: Click, Promotion, Profit

Advertisement Campaigns: Click, Promotion, Profit

The marketers believe in promoting their products and services through advertisement campaigns. Such activities done for advertising and promotion, helps in creating awareness among the target audience. In turn, the advertisers get good response and an expanded market share. Now, the medium of advertising must be vast enough to reach maximum amount of audience....

Advantages of Hiring a Professional Online Advertising Service

Advantages of Hiring a Professional Online Advertising Service

For a newly launched business, using traditional means of advertising can be an expensive task. Promoting a business via television or print media is absolutely not affordable. A start-up business needs viable alternatives to ensure its advertising costs stay within the budget. With several budget options, including budgeted cost-per-clicks and competitive promotional campaigns, online advertising is seen as an affordable option to television or print advertising. 
The influence the Internet has on...

Crowd Sourcing: Engaging Your Audience

Crowd Sourcing: Engaging Your Audience

Prior to the raging popularity of You Tube, video crowd sourcing became a popular way for families and would-be cinematographers to get their moment of fame shown on such popular TV shows as America’s Funniest Videos.  Once the broadband issue was resolved, allowing people to upload videos to the Internet, it opened the floodgates for video sharing, just one type of crowdsourcing.
Perceived benefits of crowdsourcing include:

Problems can be explored at comparatively...

You Deserve Your Share

You Deserve Your Share

As shown in this historic photo, 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia in 1787 to iron out the rules that would forever govern our country. When they wrote the first three words in fancy enlarged script, they did not begin with words such as “For Special Interests….To Be Excluded…or For the Elite Only…”
Perhaps the three most important words to ever be inscribed on an American document, are those...

“Can I Have Some Prime With Top Markets on the Side?”

“Can I Have Some Prime With Top Markets on the Side?”

Years ago I belonged to a great organization called the National Broadcast Association for Community Affairs – NBACA for short.  What made it such a terrific organization for anyone in the public service business was first, it was the only game in town…there were no other organizations representing TV public service directors.  Secondly, it gave all of us who were trying to engage these important gatekeepers a chance for serious face...

Patriotism Does Not Take a Snow Day

Patriotism Does Not Take a Snow Day

In this post, I am going to try to do two things that appear to be disconnected, but in reality, they are not. The first part of it is to show that even in the worst weather, our patriotic young soldiers who guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington Cemetery don’t take  snow days.
They walk their silent vigil day in and day out, 24/7, 365, no matter what the...


8322 Thwaite Howe Drive
Lorton, VA


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