PSA: I am aware that my current van while by far the best I've owned, is not quite the same post box red as the previous ones. Yep, I know.
However, telling me "it's not red" won't actually make it change shade and become any more red than it is... trust me on this, as if it did, the van would probably be the most vibrant shade of red ever created by now, as it happens multiple times a week.
Also, please don't yell that at me through my open window as I or you drive past, or if I'm stopped at the lights. While I really appreciate your concern for my ability to see colour, again, I can promise you that doing this isn't going to magically make it transform into a Royal Mail van on the spot. Again, this is scientifically proven by the number of people who have tried. And, you know, it's just kind of a bit rude.
Also, last I checked but dark red/maroon/burgundy is a shade of red, and not any other of the really quite noticeably different primary colours. But "Big Burgundy Van" doesn't really roll off the tongue quite as well...